Friday, 1 February 2008

The Top Secret To Losing Belly Fat

There's no secret, no one best approach for losing belly fat. More activity and eating less are key. The good news is that while there's no easy trick or shortcut, with more exercise and fewer calories, belly fat is the first kind of fat to go.

The only tried-and-true method to lose fat of any kind is:

Reduce the amount of calories you take in. You can do this by eating smaller amounts of food, or stick to foods that have fewer calories.

Burn fat by making physical activity part of your daily routine.
An important part of staying healthy is not only losing weight, but also keeping it off — this means after you lose weight, you still need to watch what — and how much — you eat and get regular exercise. However, it takes more effort to lose weight in the first place than it does to keep it off.

Don't despair, you can lose the spare tire — it just takes patience and effort. And once you shed even a few extra pounds, you'll feel better and lower your risk of health problems.


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