Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Weight Loss - What Helps Better - Dieting Or Colon Cleansing?

In the western countries, more than 50% of people are overweight. Many try to lose weight by staying on the diet. However, diet market is more confusing now than ever before. There are many ways to lose weight. You can lose weight counting the calories. However, there are experts who think that getting not enough calories contributes to the weight gain. Calories are the energy for the cells. If your body does not receive enough of them you feel tired and hungry all the time. Another way to lose weight is to dramatically reduce the amount of fat in your food. But you should never overdo it. You also might chose to go with low carb diet. Actually, it is hard to decide which diet is the best as we all are different. We have different genetics, glycemic index, insulin secretion, hormonal balance, etc. But, there is one thing that is common. Most of the overweight people have slow metabolism.

Slow metabolism is when food doesn't get broken down and absorbed properly. It just turns into fat. When the metabolism is slow, digestive organs do not function correctly. This happens, when digestive system has accumulated waste and toxins from food in the small pockets of the colon. These toxins and waste disturb digestion of nutrients and elimination of the waste. When this problem occurs other organs in the body get affected. For example, most overweight people's pancreas produces insufficient number of digestive enzymes. This is why food can not be converted into energy and instead it turns into fat.

There are 5 things that can help make your metabolism work faster:

First is the exercising with the weights. Muscles burn fat even when you are relaxing on the couch.

Second is drinking plenty of water. Tea, coffee and juices are not counted as they need to be broken down and then digested.

Third is to add fiber to your daily food. You can try to get enough fiber from the food, but there is also possibility to supplement. One of the best fiber supplements is flax, as it is 50% insoluble fiber and 50% soluble. Insoluble fiber brushes the colon and soluble fiber soaks up the toxins.

Fourth thing is proper food combining. What does it mean? It means that you should forget about the fruit salads. It is better for the digestion to eat just one fruit at a time. Sour fruits are especially beneficial when eaten 30 minutes prior breakfast or lunch. Another rule is not to combine dense proteins (nuts, avocado, meat, fish, and dairy products) with dense starches (potatoes, beans, grains, peas, artichokes, corn). It is recommended to eat one or another with the vegetables.

Fifth is the colon cleansing. Colon cleansing can jump start your metabolism in 30 days. It will remove food residue, toxic build up, parasites, and harmful bacteria. Without colon cleansing, weight loss can be difficult. Colon cleanse kits are easy to use. Good kit should include powerful herbs to provide cleansing and support liver, kidneys, lymph and blood. Naturopaths and herbalists recommend to continue colon cleanse for about 90 days. After that, the body will be cleaner and metabolism faster. This is why cleansing, when comparing to dieting, helps not only to lose weight, but also keep the result for a long time.

To learn more about the colon cleanse and other types of cleansing, visit the website of Mary Waltraut I also recommend that you get my Step-by-Step Body Cleansing Program. In the program, you will see which cleansing products I have used to improve my metabolism and cleanse my body of toxins and waste. By using my personal cleansing program you will be able to put together your own cleansing routine.

Diet Advice
A balanced diet coupled with regular exercise is still the best way to lose weight and reduce fat. Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet is an excellent plan with lots of practical advice about dieting, exercise, diet-motivation and long term weight control.

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