Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Some Health Risks For Being Overweight

Being overweight may cause a variety of illnesses. Some of the health risks for being overweight are life threatening, while other illnesses can be reversed after losing weight.


If you are overweight you are at a high risk of getting many different types of cancer. Actually just gaining weight, regardless if you put on a lot of extra pounds, increases your cancer risk. You should aim to get to your ideal weight and maintain the weight as you age by eating healthy foods, using portion control and getting some form of exercise every day. Thirty minutes of exercise is good, more is better. Some types of cancer that you could be at risk for, if you are overweight are, liver, colon, kidney, esophageal, uterine and postmenopausal breast cancer.

Sleep Apnea

When a person is overweight they have more fat around the neck which in turn makes the airway smaller. Smaller airways make breathing more difficult. Overweight people tend to snore and sleep apnea is when they stop breathing. Stored fat in the body causes inflammation and if you have inflammation in the neck, you are at a higher risk for having sleep apnea. This is one of the many health risks for being overweight. Sleep apnea is life threatening so you either need to lose weight or see your physician to discuss a breathing machine to use when you sleep.

Type 2 Diabetes

Being overweight can cause a disease called type 2 diabetes which causes the blood sugar level to be above the normal range. This is a major cause for heart disease. It can also cause a stroke, kidney disease, becoming blind and amputation. With type 2 diabetes your cells that produce insulin have to work harder to keep your blood sugar at a normal level and that may cause your cells to eventually fail.

Gallbladder Disease

More health risks for being overweight would include gallbladder disease which is inflammation and possibly an infection of the gallbladder, with gallstones. Gallstones are made of cholesterol and if you are overweight most likely you will have an enlarged gallbladder that doesn't work as it should.

Some Health Risks For Being Overweight can be prevented by losing weight and having a healthy lifestyle. For resources to help you lose the weight, please visit Diet Plans and learn how you can lose weight without having to starve yourself or exercise to exhaustion.

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